Fire precautions within our communities

As lot sales in the communities increase and individuals are clearing off lots getting them ready for the camping season, burning of limbs and brush are a huge part of that process. We have had inquiries about burning within the lake properties and I thought I would take time to make sure some important information is given.
Before starting any fire please call the proper county authorities to inquire if there is a burn ban in effect. For Sugar Valley call Linn County Sheriff non-emergency number at 913-795-2666. For Hidden Valley please check on their website or call the courthouse at 620-273-2140.
Both lake communities have ‘burn sites’ where you can dispose of limbs and brush and the Association is responsible to burn these piles. No construction material, bags of leaves, or home trash can be dumped in our ‘burn sites’, only brush and limbs. A key must be checked out at Sugar Valley clubhouse in order to dispose at the burn site in Sugar Valley, the burn pile is located east of the 9 acre dam. Hidden Valley burn pile is located near the boat ramp but does not require a key. Same rules apply for what can be dumped, limbs and brush only.
Important for EVERYONE to keep in mind, in our recreational communities it is part of the camping experience to have nightly campfires to roast marshmallows and hot dogs or to use our grills for amazing meals outdoors. These fires are also not permitted when there is a burn ban in effect so make sure you do the right thing by checking with the authorities before getting out the graham crackers and marshmallows.
If you want to burn the ground of your property please follow this information:
Outdoor burning is permitted with proper permissions from county officials.
Always have a knowledgeable and experienced controlled burn person leading your effort.
Always, have enough people helping with the approved burn. The bigger the territory to burn the more people you will need.
Have proper gear to do controlled burns. Water and other extinguishing materials (fire extinguishers, etc.) and tools (flat shovels, blotters, wet rugs, etc.) are essential.
Before burning in Linn County one must first call the Sheriff's Office (913-795-2666) to 1) know if burning is permitted and 2) to get permission to burn.
Before burning in Bourbon County, one must inquire on the Bourbon County website ( or calling the courthouse (620-223-3800) to determine if burning is permitted on any particular day. Once that is done one must call 620-273-2140 to obtain permission to burn.
Burn Bans are likely on a day when there is significant wind and conditions are dry. No matter what the condition, be sure burning is allowed/permitted.
Both Bourbon County and Linn County officials will require you to 'stay with your fire' until all burning is done and all fires are extinguished.
Go to the WWW and 'Google' the phrase, ‘controlled burn info' to find more information on how to do it right.
Above all, SAFETY for yourself, your neighbors and your communities should come first!
Richard C. Morrell
Association Manager