Planning for the future of the pool
Pool Concerns
At the Board meeting held on February 15, I brought forward a proposal from a vendor to bring the pool up to full operational standards. The cost was about $70,000. That proposal was voted down by the Board members. It is a simple fact that with current obligations the Association does not have $70,000 to do the necessary repairs to the pool.
At the Board meeting on March 15, I proposed that the Board approve a motion to form a committee to determine and propose what our next steps should be in regard to the pool. The motion passed.
Ideas range from doing a special assessment to fund the cost of the repairs to removing the pool and installing something else in its place.
If you are interested in serving on this committee, I would like for you to send me an email or letter of interest. In that communication, please tell me why you would like to be a member and what experiences you have that would bring benefit to the committee.
I will lead this group that will also have Board representation. I envision this committee to be representative of the diversity of our community and of unimpeachable integrity. We will work fast and hard to reach consensus on this very important issue. We will be working week nights to accommodate those who may have to travel or must work during the day. Working fast may mean a couple of meetings per week for a couple of weeks.
Send your letter of interest by Monday, March 26. Email is preferred but a hard copy letter is certainly acceptable.
Richard C. Morrell, Association Manager
PO Box 247
Mound City KS 66056