Camping season is coming...

Camping season is upon us and the shower houses will be in full swing. With April 1st being on Sunday, and a holiday at that, we will be opening shower houses at both lakes on Monday, April 2nd. The shower house at Sugar Valley clubhouse will be open on Monday also, since our clubhouse is closed on Sunday for the holiday. As usual, the clubhouse shower/restroom at Sugar Valley clubhouse will be open only during business hours.
A change in the main shower houses at both lakes need to be noticed:
A key system is being put in place for shower houses at both communities due to the excessive damage and costly repairs over the last few years. Shower houses will be LOCKED Sunday evening through Friday mornings, LOCKED being the key word (no pun intended) and will be OPEN on Friday mornings and kept UNLOCKED until Sunday evening.
Shower house schedule:
Friday morning, all day Saturday and Sunday until dark……OPEN
Sunday dark, all day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and until Friday morning…..LOCKED, a key can be obtained through the office
To obtain a key for the 2018 camping season for access to the shower houses Sunday evening through Friday morning will be as follows:
Members must be current on dues
Come by the office Monday through Friday during business hours
Member must provide a driver’s license that will be copied and laminated in the office
A key will be attached to the laminated copy of members driver’s license
Pay a $10 fee
This process can be taken care of even if you are not able to make it in person to the office during the week.
Member must be current on dues
Email a color copy of your driver’s license to by Thursday evening, prior to the weekend you plan on picking up the key
Come to the clubhouse on the weekend and pay a $10 fee and pick up key
If a key is lost there will be a $50 charge for a second key and if a second key is lost management can reserve the right to not disperse a third key. If the driver’s license detaches from the key you MUST notify the office and have another copy attached to the key. Keys CANNOT be shared by members and if a key is found to be shared, the member who checked out the key can lose recreational rights for 30 days.
Please remember that the shower houses will be OPEN all weekends, keys will not be necessary and that snack bar employees will not have access to shower house keys on the weekends unless you have gone through the office and followed the steps above.
Enjoy your camping season!
Richard C. Morrell
Association Manager