Sugar Valley street signs

Home owner management research literature is rife with studies that show that widespread and significant member engagement is one of the most predicable factors that align with strong and active home owner associations. When one sees copious amounts of Association member volunteer efforts given one can see a strong and vibrant Association community.
I witness this daily. Let me give you examples, but I intentionally will not mention names, as I am more apt to miss a name of someone who has done something really important.
Just a few days ago an Association member couple came up the to SVL Club House and spread mulch around the exterior of the building. It looks great.
On April 24, an Association member’s house caught fire and was destroyed. Many Association members stepped up to provide the unfortunate owner with basics he needed just to get through the next several days.
This weekend, an Association member, family member and friend continued work on the swimming pool so it is ready to open later this month or early June.
We have Association members who go out at our behest to buy needed items at low cost market outlets.
I have an Association member who has pledged $10,000 (this person wishes to remain anonymous) for needed Association improvements.
I could go on, but my point is that Association member engagement is what makes us strong and will make us stronger. It also keeps our assessment dues reasonable.
So, given what the research bears out and given what we see with our own eyes, the more we engage the members the better our community becomes.
So, I have a big ASK of Sugar Valley owners: help us erect new street signs. It is vitally important to safety and security personnel and to emergency services personnel to have clear and readable street signs so they may get to those in need as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We have priced street signs much like we have at HV. They look much like street signs one would see in any suburban setting. To buy a breakaway pole (required) and to put street/road signs at four-way intersections it would cost about $250 if we ordered many at the same time.
I propose that Association members donote $250 to SVL and in exchange they get a green on white lettered sign ordered and erected by SVL at the site of the donor’s request. For example, if a member lived at the intersection of Polk and Peacock, they could pay $250 and have the POLK/PEACOCK road sign purchased and erected by us.
I invite your feedback and comments on this initiative.
A "Donation for Sugar Valley Street Signs" tab has been set up on our website, under the Payment tab. Any and all donations will help our community progress and the signs will be a great indicator of the support and generosity of our members.
Best wishes for a wonderful week!
Richard C. Morrell
Association Manager