Properly Patronizing Association Property
The auxiliary bathrooms at the SVL club house, situated to the west of the banquet room, were not designed to be used by campers. They were designed to be used by banquet room guests and by users of the pool. As designed, 24/7 camper access to those facilities would also unequivocally compromise the security of the entire club house building.
Members who are camping (and their guests) are not to use the SVL club house bathroom facilities.
Members and their guests who are camping are to use the bath house facilities near the campground. That facility is designed and located to best serve Association campers. Members must buy a key in order to use those facilities. The key (and video cameras) helps limit access to legitimate users and cuts down on vandalism and trashing the facility.
Your understanding and proper patronage of this and all Association property is sincerely appreciated.
Much thanks.